
Spring Time Termites

California has had heavy rain over the past few months. After the rain we all know insects start swarming around in many places. Swarms are provoked by heavy rainfall and warm, humid temperatures among other triggers. The rain washes many things away, but it can also bring things in to your home. Spring time termites are […]

Tulip House

As all of you may know spring is just around the corner and I know we are all looking forward to the warm weather. Termites also love the warm weather, when temperatures increase so do the potential swarms of termites. Did you know termite awareness week is less than a month away? Termite awareness week […]


Although it is a proven fact that termites are good for the soil, they are extremely bad for your home. The reality is that termites fill an important part in nature when it comes to soil. They increase moisture levels, maintain balanced soil, add nutrients to the soil, and they reduce erosion. They might be […]


We all know working to improve your home is always an ongoing project.  As a property owner, whether it’s your home or your business there is always concerns with potential damage.  The smallest looking things (termites) can turn in to the biggest issue you may have to deal with. Most things are simple to repair […]

Exxel Termite

If you haven’t already noticed, it’s raining here in California. We cannot stress enough how crazy this is because our drought has been long enough, and we are pretty over taking 2 minutes. Anyways, the rain in California is getting pretty bad. If you didn’t see it, you should know that there is flooding in […]

‘Twas the night before #Christmas, when all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a #termite. Just kidding, the creatures are probably (most definitely) stirring in your home this winter. The thing about winter is that pests really love and hate, is the cold. Some pests (like termites) love the cold and […]

Exxel Termite

While you and your family are feasting upon latkes and spinning the dreidel, the termites will not be far behind. Sure, they are not fans of chocolate coins or delicious potato pancakes, but they are very interested in your home. Your home is not like others. Your home is filled with joy, laughs, family and […]

As you arrive home for the holiday this Thursday, the aroma of turkey, stuffing, pie and grandma’s perfume will fill the room with familiar smells. Sure, Thanksgiving is not only about the food, but the holidays are not usually about the “health” either. I don’t know any human or termite that has ever lost weight […]

Old American flag background for Memorial Day or 4th of July

Veterans Day (and termites) is not new in America, but Veterans Day remains one of the most powerful days of the year. As time has gone by, many veterans still look back at their time serving our country. We could not be more proud of our country or more proud of the courageous men and […]

Halloween pumpkin on wood with dark background

“Happy” Halloween? Halloween is awesome! There’s candy, apple cider, pumpkin spiced EVERYTHING and there’s candy…oh wait. Anyways, one thing we love about Halloween is dressing up. We have been anything from a spider, a ladybug, and even cockroach but never a termite. Sadly, termite costumes have not taken off yet. We are all sad about […]