
Spring Cleaning

  • By:exxeltermite

Spring is our favorite season of the year, there is something about it that motivates us to change from our routine. Maybe it’s the nice weather? Especially in California where spring time brings the best weather, it isn’t too hot nor too cold it’s perfect 75 Fahrenheit weather. You can go outside and enjoy the warmth of the sun without worrying that you’ll get a really bad sunburn. A lot of people go through the spring cleaning phase differently. Time to trade in your sweatpants for shorts and your warm boots for open toed shoes. You may also decide to change up your look. Maybe you want to change the way your house looks, suddenly you’re an interior designer. You might find yourself changing all the dark colored furniture for brighter, happier colors.

Whatever you might do for spring cleaning, remember that it’s also important to routinely check your home for water damage, rotting plywood, and yes the dreaded termite infestation you avoid every year. Spring cleaning should be the time to prevent any pest infestation because once summer comes around you will want to be enjoying the beautiful California weather not a termite infestation. It is better to be safe than sorry, when was the last time you checked your house for termite damage? If the answer is 6 months or more, you are way over due for a check. Give Exxel Termite a call for a free inspection!


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