Post Fumigation Procedure

  • By:exxeltermite

After the house has had the proper time to air out, you will need to conduct a thorough cleaning of the entire house. You should start by examining the entire house for any edibles that may have been left open or exposed during fumigation. Any contents of any open containers, such as potato chips, crackers, butter, sugar, etc., should be discarded as precaution.

The next major step is vacuuming. You will need to vacuum all dead bugs. Be sure to clean out your vacuum thoroughly and throw away the bag. Move all furniture and rugs aside in order to vacuum under all possible crevices. Open and empty out all cupboards and drawers and vacuum them as well. Also, be sure to vacuum couches, chairs, curtains, and all fabrics as well.

You will want to wipe down all surfaces with a damp cloth. Be sure to throw away the cloth after you have finished wiping. You should then repeat the entire wipe down process with a wet cloth that has a 50-50 vinegar and water solution. You should remember to wipe down places like inside medicine cabinets, doors, door handles, etc. Once again, throw away the cloth once you’re done.

You should also mop your floors if they are hard surface. Don’t forget surfaces in the bathroom. Although you may use your own washer and dryer, which should have been wiped down as well, you may wish to go to a laundromat, use a friend’s or neighbor’s, or use an external service to wash all your sheets. You should also vacuum the mattress. Pillows can be washed, but you may want to consider just purchasing new ones.

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